Thursday, April 26, 2012

The ultimate debt

Of course the ultimate debt to which all of mankind is shackled is
the one that none of us can ever repay: our indebtedness to our Creator.

This is the one referred to by Jesus in the Lord's Prayer:

"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors"

Wishing it would go away, changing the channel like our friend in the picture, working harder to please God, fastings and doing more good works are of no avail. The debt remains until we find our way, as Pilgrim did in "Pilgrim's Progress", to the foot of the Cross.

It is there we discover that when He died on Calvary, the Son of God proclaimed the Year of Jubilee for every sinner.

Here, in one magnificent and magnanimous act, Christ paid all the overdue bills of our sin and declared freedom for the whole human race.

Don't wait for a better offer from God and don't delay. God's forgiveness is a prayer away.

Perhaps a prayer like this:

"Heavenly Father, I thank you for your offer to forgive my sins. I thank you that Jesus paid all my debt on the cross. I accept your free gift of salvation. Help me to live my life as a true Christian.



Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In debt in a cashless society

Here is a picture from Shakespeare's "Hamlet". It is Polonius giving advice to his son, Laertes, before he sets out on his first foray into the big world.

Central to his counsel was:

 " Neither a borrower nor a lender be"

In today's language:

"For God's sake be careful with that VISA card son. I've put a $5,000:00 limit on it. Use it only in emergency and whatever you do, PAY IT OFF EVERY MONTH"

My Uncle Oliver, who fought on the Somme in WW1, came home with some grim lessons.

He talked little and lived abstemiously. He took the advice of Polonius to heart. He dealt only in cash, never had a credit card, did deals with a hand shake and, when he died, left his inheritance to my sister and myself.

Before you go deeper into Aladdin's Cave with your credit cards sit down with Uncle Oliver. He may just save you from shedding your blood in battle with the bill collectors.



P.S. Be kind to those dear old relatives of yours and they will be kind to you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

cashless but in debt

A point that was raised by Jeff Baker from Australia deserves some thought.

He observed that with cash as we know it on the way out and instant credit at our finger tips with credit cards, it is a lot easier to get into debt.

 The sales mantra from one financial house reads:


Sounds just like the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.

The header I have used today is taken from a series of woodcuts from the Old Fleet in London, the notorious Victorian debtor's prison. Some of the inmates languished in their cell for years, kept there for some paltry amount.

The new debtor's cell is a little square box on your credit card statement called " minimum payment".

Give your credit masters the smallest amount that they require each month and you have a life-time sentence at The Fleet.

Incidentally, the people who pay off their credit balance every month are called by the bankers "deadbeats".

I advise you to become one.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Singularity.The New World Order

We have seen the exponential growth of cyber-technology in the 21st Century. We gasp in disbelief at the latest miracles that flow regularly from the shrines of silicone valley.
It should, however, not surprise us since all is in fulfillment of scripture.
One prophecy given at the close of the Book of Daniel reads thus:
"In the last days knowledge shall be increased and many shall run to and fro."

Surely this is a simple but perfect description of the days in which we are currently living with our super computers and jet travel.

Our photo today is taken from Time Magazine and a lead article called "Singularity". The piece is a summary of the work of Raymond Kurzweil. Kurzweil has spent the last forty years of his life developing interfaces between men and computers. Now he confidently predicts that within thirty years artificial intelligence will not only have outstripped the human brain in terms of speed of thought but also in creative design.
Days when machines will be giving orders to the men who made them.

Preposterous you say.

About seventy years ago I learned to count on an Abacus, and in fifteen years time NASA plans to send a man to Mars.

No longer is anything preposterous!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

The implant: Postscript

Today the British Parliament will debate (and pass) the new dog registration law. This legislation will require that every pet dog receive a micro-chip.

This lithium based cell will be inserted at the base of the dog's ear or between it's shoulder blades. The size of a grain of rice, the implant will give the dog's breed, date of birth, number of vaccine shots and the owner's address and telephone number.

It's criminal history will also be recorded: a repeat offender for biting or other violent acts will result in a major fine for the owner and impoundment or euthanasia for the dog.

Shivers are already being felt around canine kingdom.

The authorities are not interested in the dog's name, it's favorite food or the size of its preferred basket. The dog will simply be given a number and a bar code.

Already dog lovers are remonstrating. They are alarmed that what is happening to their pets today will be happening to them tomorrow.

News also of a 'CHIP' defiance in Scotland where shepherds are threatening to take their sheepdogs and hide out in the Cairngorm Mountains.

Stay tuned. I'll keep you informed with the latest news.

