Thursday, April 24, 2014

There is no "P" in our "ool".

Horror of horrors! A teenager was arrested last week for urinating in the Portland City drinking reservoir.
After due deliberation by the city authorities it was decided to dump all 38 million gallons of water for fear of contamination. Now, supposing that this teenager had a full bladder,  he would jettison about 12 fluid ounces into the lake. With water weighing in at 10 lbs per gallon this would mean that he deposited .0000000000000007 % uric acid into the city pipes.
To eradicate the possibility of infection, $1.5 million dollars were spent to prevent the good citizens of Portland getting blisters on their lips.
Meanwhile, Oregon State legislature is poised to legalize the sale and distribution of marijuana later this year.
This is tantamount to demanding that all food industry workers wear hairnets, plastic gloves and face-masks while rats are allowed to run wild in the pantry.
What Jesus termed "Straining out gnats while we swallow camels."
Yes. The world really has gone mad.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


"Stay where you are!" Two major calamities come to mind.
1) 9-11, when hundreds of workers in the South Tower of the New York Trade Center were told over the public address system:
"Stay where you are." and this, when the building they were in was about to collapse.
2) The disaster of the South Korean ferry where last week the passengers were told to "Stay where you are."
The boat was about to capsize but "STAY WHERE YOU ARE"
The World Trade Center was on fire but "STAY WHERE YOU ARE"

Now listen to Christ's words concerning the greatest rescue mission of the ages.

"The human race is heading for oblivion. Don't just sit there. Come to Me, and whoever comes to me I will not cast out but I will give to them Eternal Life." (John 10)

Now there, my dear reader, are words that you can trust!

