Thursday, October 16, 2014

The last of the series.

I was waiting in the medical lab for a blood sample to be taken and, lo, there was Harvey and his wife. 
Harvey was not looking well, in fact, he had been given only a matter of weeks to live. Cancer was the problem.
I have never been reticent about where I pray, so right there in the waiting room I prayed that Doctor Jesus would touch Harvey and grant him years of healthy living. The folk in the waiting room began to realize they were in church but  didn't seem to mind. Suddenly, the miracle of Hezekiah's healing came to mind. This was where the prophet Isaiah spoke to the dying King and told him that the shadow on the sundial was being put back fifteen degrees; fifteen degrees, fifteen more years to live! When I spoke this to Harvey, he and his wife began to praise God; they already had been given this word by someone else and, as far as they were concerned, the deal was sealed!
All of this was over three years ago.
This summer I saw Harvey. He looked full of health and told me that he was hoping to go on a mission trip to Nicaragua.
Not bad for a man who was given only a few weeks to live in 2011.



Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why remain earthbound?

My son, Mark, passes his old Time magazines to me.
In the issue I was reading today, side by side, were two articles, one on the giant roller coaster, Goliath, at a park near Chicago, the other telling of the a growing fad in America, "atheist churches."
Where is the connection you may ask?
Well, if you are an atheist (and I haven't met too many of them) you are bound to this planet by the process of  reason and by a creed that declares all there is for you is confined to this life and, that all you can see around you can be explained by the working of reason and natural laws.
Now, on the other hand, if you are a believer in Christ, get ready to strap yourself into a ride that will outstrip "Goliath" for daily thrills.  Living by faith in the promises of  God, Who controls the whole earth by His power and wisdom, will match any any man-made junket this world can offer.
To cast off the shackles of a life lived by "reason only" and to trust in the up holding Hand of the Holy Spirit is as exhilarating as walking on water.
More than one person has suggested that, in living by faith, I am "round the bend", to which I reply " come and join me, the view from God's inverter is stupendous!"
"Aaaarghhh! Here we go for another thrill"

