Friday, April 24, 2015

HUBBLE; 25 years on.

In my last post I was referring to Pauline's birthday and the signs in the stars. We don't believe that our future is affected by them in any way.
Today we are celebrating another birthday: Space telescope Hubble. It's 25 years since its launch and the new era of the "Eye in the Sky" began.
There have been thousands of astounding pictures of the heavens given to us in the last 25 years. Shots of such breath-taking magnificence that we are at a loss to describe them or to comprehend them:their beauty and the unimaginable distances involved leave us stunned.
Their creation and their placement is summed up in the greatest understatement in all recorded history when we read in Genesis chapter one.  "And He made the stars also"
Think of that! The most superb of all vistas given a single sentence in the summary of creation. The next announcement is interesting. 
"And so God created man in his own image. Male and female created He them." and, in my Bible, the next 900 pages are spent dealing with their saga.
Stars and galaxies. Wallpaper in God's house called earth. While inside the walls the opportunity of proceeding to the next phase of Creation continues to be offered.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will live to see a lot more than stars in the new Heaven.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Today is my wife's birthday. It is not good to say which one. Let's say she is slightly north of sixty.
We will not be looking at the horoscopes or visiting fortune tellers to predict how her next year will turn out. We already know. She will be blessed.
The signs of the stars have got absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of her destiny. It has already been determined by Him who put the stars in the heavens and Whose throne is above them all.
So this is the birthday of my 'Liverpool Lass' and, if I ever were to forget it, I would be seeing stars of a different sort.
Happy Birthday Pauline.



Monday, April 20, 2015

What ever you do, don't pray in here.

The city council in my home town of Barrie has been put in a dilemma. The Supreme Court of Canada, in their profound wisdom, has ruled that opening council meetings with prayer is unconstitutional. Our mayor is now faced with a decision whether or not to read a short invocation for guidance before embarking on city business. If he does he may be sued!
These are the sort of minuet dances that nation's play when they are in a state of peace and prosperity.
In England, during the war years, we never involved ourselves in such niceties 'as an atheists rights being infringed upon by prayer being made in public places"  In those days EVERYONE was praying. Praying for food, for protection, for victory in battle, for the safe return of loved ones in overseas action and NOBODY objected.
But that was THEN. NOW crosses are being legislated out of municipal buildings, copies of the Ten Commandments taken from the walls of court rooms, Christmas creches from public squares: the cry is to purge everything remotely Christian from public view to make our society 'RELIGIOUSLY NEUTRAL.'
Indeed, all will be well until  another 9 -11 HAPPENS IN A CITY NEAR YOU. Then watch the smoke from a thousand altars rise to implore Heaven for protection and deliverance.
Until then, keep your mouths shut and keep your prayers to yourself in your own living rooms.
