Friday, May 29, 2015

Big Food: "Suffer the little Children to come unto me"

Perhaps the most egregious and sinister aspect of the processed food industry is their unashamed entrapment of children in their hideous, corporate kitchens.
The move from old- fashioned-breakfast cornflakes to the array of sticky, slathery, sugar-caked components has been accomplished in 10 years and has rocketed childhood obesity off the charts.
As I said in an earlier post, it rates as one of the crimes of the century.
Charles Mortimer, the head of General Foods, started a movement when he said in speech to eager junk-food evangelists "Get cornflakes out of your brain. Heck, when my grand-daughter comes down for breakfast, sometimes she just wants cake!"
From that day forward the era of pop-tarts, pop-ups and everything sugary was launched, all aimed at children. If it wasn't enough for breakfasts, "Luncheables" followed on the heels of pop-tarts.
Describing these slick, pre-packaged meals, Geoffrey Bible, head of Kraft corporations, admitted that the most nutritious part of the lunch-box was the yellow napkin at the bottom.
We are talking about serious things here folks.
In 1999 it was estimated that 6 million children in the USA were seriously obese. 15 years later that figure has TRIPLED, with half of that number suffering from type 2 diabetes and many having the arteries of  45 year olds.
We must look beyond carrot sticks and apple slices for the solution.
Next post. The grocery store and the Garden of Eden.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sugared DoNuts and the Point of Bliss.

The eureka moment came in the food tasting labs of the General Foods Corporation when they found the Point of Bliss in the human  brain. The food that lit up all the happy centres when it was tasted.
It had been found by experimenting with lab-rats.
These scientists found that rats who, like all animals, have an innate resistance to over-eating, could not resist the sugary treats.
They could say 'enough' when it came to breads, and 'enough' when fed cheese, but O those do-nuts laced with sugar.
Rats, normally reticent creatures who hug the corners of rooms and like shady places, would rush right to the middle of a brightly lit cage to grab the sugar treats.
They burned out their sub-conscious brakes of restraint when they smelled sugar. In three short weeks they doubled in size. Not only that. When their sugar puffs were taken away, they experienced severe withdrawal symptoms becoming depressed to the point where they sat and shivered and their teeth chattered.
SUGAR ADDICTION! The processed food industry, having found it in rats, proceeded to lace their products with it and feed it to humans to the tune of millions of tons.
With the same results. 
From 1990 to 2015 the obesity rates in North America have TRIPLED 
Whatever else people may term it, I call that the CRIME OF THE CENTURY and yet NO ONE has held these corporations to account for their actions. In coming posts I will give the reason why.
Enjoy your carrot sticks and apple slices.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Food. The quest for the "Point of Bliss"

This has all been a revelation to me.  Before reading "Salt, Sugar, Fat"by Michael Moss, I had failed to understand the connection between big money and the SCIENCE  behind the processed food industry.
It was only last week that I read of the legions of scientists (many with degrees in psychology from Harvard) who study responses in the human brain when food is eaten.
They have made intricate maps of the tongue and have been seeking, with all devices possible, the place called the "point of bliss" 
This is a perfect conjunction between the four major taste buds and the right balance and mixture of certain morsels as they are ingested and chewed. It's the "Aah" experience, the moment of bliss that is immediately relayed to the brain and lights up the pleasure centers in the cortex.
Was that a pop tart or cheesy piece of pizza or a spoon full of Hagen Daaz ice-cream that did that?I don't know. The main thing is that the message "I like that. Do it again" is repeated again and again. Thus the door to food addiction is opened up that has led millions of Americans into the hell of obesity.
In my next post we will be traveling down that road and see why Big Business wants to keep as many people as possible driving down the fast-lane.
