Sunday, June 14, 2015

Health is THE main thing.

There was a motivational speaker in my city who did one of his sessions around a juggling act. He could keep four or five balls in motion, to which he gave names like: "career". "finances", "relationships" and so on. He also had a ball called "health".
When he had the balls in the air he could drop any one of them yet still keep the rest going BUT if he dropped the "health" ball they all came down.
Think about that and think about the importance of robust, vital, daily good health. 
 Most people don't, nor do they give God thanks for it when they are experiencing what is surely a gift from Him.
I heard of a ninety year old who was still spry and enjoying the best of health. He shared his secret with folk when they inquired.
He said that every time when he was in the shower  he would visualize the water as the Presence of God flowing over him. When he was soaping his hair he would thank God for no tumours in his brain, his face, that he could still hear and see, his chest, that he had a good heart and lungs etc. Since he was wet all over he was blessed all over. He had learned the power of thanksgiving overflowing into health and daily vigour.
Was there more to it than that? Obviously there was, but giving God praise in the shower is a great way to begin the day.
Why don't you try it.

