Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Election 2016: The Aftermath.

In the immediate aftermath of the historic U.S election of 2016 have come a spate of mass protests ( all in the democratic strong holds of Los Angeles, New York, Portland  and Miami )
There have been placards proclaiming "American Tragedy" "Not My President ", "Dump Trump"  and a lot more.
One of the organizers of these social-media-driven protests has said that "We do not want to challenge the legitimacy of the election. We just want chance to MOURN." This need to mourn is born out by the emergency grief and loss centres that have sprung up across college campuses. Here, traumatized students can drop by for special free therapy sessions.
It is all enough to boggle the mind.
If the scale of grieving stretches from one to ten and there are kids that are off the scale because their election hopes backfired , then where would they be if real tragedy were to strike?
Lacking any of the milk of human kindness, Rudolf Guliani (likely the new Attorney General) has said these protesters are a bunch of cry babies who need to get back to their studies. 
But let us try to be a little more compassionate and believe that. come Christmas, it will be just a faint memory and that they will all be feeling better.
Meantime, one of the Trump camp who was asked his opinion about it all said "We have already registered our protest. WE VOTED."


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