Saturday, November 5, 2016


New levels of insanity have been reached here in Canada. Dr. Jordan Peterson is facing censure by Toronto University for failing to use gender neutral pronouns when addressing trans-gender students.
You may ask what are these pronouns that are currently being demanded by the the student body? 
Surely any informed person would know.
The trans gender folk want "Ze" or "Zir" for "she" or "he" or simply be referred to as "They"
So a dialogue between the student and teacher could go like this on a Monday morning. " Thomas, did THEY do THEIR essay that I asked THEY to complete? "   and other such nonsense.
Professor Jordan has said that he will address the student according to the role that they are playing. If they are a woman this week it will be "She". If they change genders, next week it will be a "He".
The politically correct crowd are incensed and are all for requiring fines, damages and mandatory anti-discrimination training for Dr Jordan.
Meanwhile a band of these strange zealots are calling for the word "HISTORY" to be changed to "HIXTORY" since the past is a compiled story of men and women both.

I have been searching for my own words to describe these actors in this theatre of the absurd. Ah! A phrase has come to mind:
They're a bunch of nut cases.


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