Sunday, December 4, 2016

Trump's New Team

A couple of weeks ago I posed the question "In the courts of Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar, who held the most power, the king or his council of wise men? I then suggested that it was a about a fifty-fifty balance.
We are now getting a clearer picture of the counsel of wise men around Donald Trump.
One of these is actually a wise woman, Betsy De Vos.
She is even more wealthy than Trump himself with an estimated worth of about five billion dollars. All of this accumulated through the smart business administration of various companies one of which is  the well known AMWAY corporation.
But don't be fooled. This lady is more than cash rich. She is rich in wisdom, rich in conviction, rich in experience and rich in her Christian faith.
She is determined to increase the number of charter schools in America and support parent's right to choose faith-based eduction for their children.
Her opinion, and well based, is that millions of children are pretty well 'dead on arrival' in the public school system. She is determined to give them "an escape route out from low-wattage, inferior tax-payer owned schools"
Perhaps her greatest accolade has come from the head of the Chicago Teachers Union who has called her a "nightmare."
Get ready folks. For parents who have longed for a new day to dawn in the schooling of their children( in morals as well as mathematics) a dream has just come true.


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