Thursday, June 16, 2016

Canada. The latest madness.

A few years ago, when I wrote my first post for "Breakfast With Ian" I wondered whether there would be enough fresh material to keep a weekly supply of blogs.
I need neither have wondered nor worried.
Someone once said that the most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. I am inclined to agree with them especially after the latest madness from our own House of Commons. 
Yesterday, after much deep pondering, deliberation and lengthy debate our M.Ps decided to make our national anthem gender neutral. The offensive phrase "In all our SONS command" is to be replaced by " In all of US command"
This slight alteration will fit in with the beat and tempo of the music and also with the beat and tempo of our times.
Fit in with a generation who is not quite clear whether they are "Arthur or Martha", fit in with a new age that wrestles with the sexual alphabet of L.G.B.T. Q. or P.  Fit in with the new Canadian "WE".
Rudyard Kipling once wrote a little beauty on "WE". Allow me to share it

"Father and mother and me,
Auntie and sister all say.
"All of the people like US are we.
And every one else is THEY"

Well now we have got who "WE" is  sorted out, let us stand to our feet or stand on our heads, face the Maple Leaf Flag, and sing our new "O CANADA" !


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Orlando The home of make believe and harsh reality.

When Walt Disney chose Orlando to be home for his theme park, Disney Land, he had a dream is his heart that this would be be a place where families could come and enjoy a day of perfect fantasia.
Without getting aboard a space ship they would be a able to make a journey and step out into a new planet of fun, laughter and pure make-believe. A place where dreams come true and never a dark cloud would insert itself into the sunshine and the forever-blue sky.

Last night, few miles down the road from Planet Disney, a grim reminder was given as to the true reality of THIS planet and of what America has now become.
The worst mass shooting in U.S history took place in a homo-sexual night club, named "The Pulse."
In a few horrifying minutes a mad Islamic gunman reduced a dance floor to a slippery, bloody mess of carnage and devastation. So far fifty are dead and another dozen left clinging to life.
Allow me to quote one of the foremost T.V news anchors.

"This act of horror has left America stunned and SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS."
Please permit me to supply one of those answers.
Walt Disney was an atheist and, in his cartoon world, NEVER allowed Christ into his scripts. He created a dream world minus God.
America in the last twenty-or-so years has attempted to do the same. Like the genius cartoonist they have, in a series of secular rulings, air-brushed Christ out of their perfect world. No prayer in schools, no religious scenes allowed in public places, no Bible in  places of learning, no ten commandments in the courtroom etc.
Small wonder that tonight we have a nation searching for answers.
Before the morning breaks I suggest that at least some of America's leaders open their Bible and find a few.

