Friday, February 17, 2017

Chubs. I Don't Feel the Love.

Be relieved that you are not a close relative of Kim Jong Un. Alias "Chubs".  This paranoid, megalomaniac, leader of North Korea ordered a hit on his brother, Kim Jong Nam. It was successful. The hapless Jong Nam has been an unwelcome exile from his homeland for several years, on the move between Macau to Malasia and other gambling hot spots but this week his luck ran out.
He was approached by two females in the airport in Malasia, sprayed in the face with an unknown substance and a cloth applied for good measure.
It was obviously not a fragrance shower from admirers. Nam scarcely made it to the check-in counter before collapsing and was found to be dead-on-arrival at hospital fifteen minutes later.
Family members are becoming in short supply in the Chubs Household. Last year his uncle was disposed of, arrested while he was sleeping during the Dear Leader's two hour speech. Another Aunt disappeared under strange circumstances, as have several upper level officials seen as potential rivals.
Yes indeed, be glad that you are not numbered as part of this grim inner circle. 
However, be put on alert. 
This same crazed tyrant has recently been launching missiles capable of travelling hundreds of miles with nuclear war-heads attached. 
My first years on earth had frequent visits to the bomb shelter where my mother read Psalms 91, 27 and 23. I am still reading them, this time from my office chair, knowing that the real bomb shelter is the One who " Covers us with His feathers and hides His people under His wing"
Keep looking up!


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