Thursday, March 9, 2017

Preachers Arrested in England. Should we be Surprised?

We could see it coming. The increasing pressure to shut down ANY voice that speaks against the "multi faith/multi cultural" doctrine embraced and propagated by the secular West.
It happened in England yesterday when two street preachers were tried and convicted of violating public order in the south-west city of Bristol. Both were fined about $ 5,000.00 each.
The ruling judge accused them of "creating anxiety to the public by stating that there was only one way to God and that was through Jesus Christ."
On the day that these men were preaching, several Muslims began shouting and swearing at the preachers. It is worthwhile noting that none of these were arrested for being a public nuisance: only the two gospel preachers.
A similar incident occurred in Toronto last year when a senior clerk in the city administration banned any singing of christian hymns in Nathan Philip's Square because the line, "There is no God like Jehovah", was likely to cause offense to the listening public.
Thankfully, she was later overruled by the mayor, but the writing is still left clearly on the wall. "Christians keep within your four walls and keep your faith to yourselves"
O really! These edicts should be call to war for all who love and profess faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Our unified response should be "We will not be BROW BEATEN or BULLIED by anyone, be they politician, judge, jury or bureaucrat. Freedom of speech is  the legacy of our Christian faith and through God we will exercise it.


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