Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Death at the Cathedral,

The irony of it all. Today another death in Paris. This time it was the terrorist who came to a swift end, on the steps of Notre Dame cathedral. In the name Allah he had attacked a policeman with a hammer and was promptly shot dead by another officer.
Bad, bad, bad as usual but what went on in the cathedral immediately afterwards is worthy of consideration.
The place was packed with tourists who were ordered to sit down in the pews and PUT THEIR HANDS IN THE AIR.
Thereby the irony.
I am used to being in churches where the whole congregation worships the Lord with uplifted hands but NOT by any command of the police.
But today from Notre Dame comes this amazing photo of a congregation of tourists all with upraised hands. 
At first glance I thought that they may have all been giving praise to God for their own deliverance: and what better place to do it. In a house of God.
But appearances can be deceptive. The truth was that they were ordered to put their hands in the air to show that were not carrying lethal weapons.
Ah well. By one means or another God did have a thousand or so people in a posture of worship in His house.
Maybe, just maybe, a few of them will be finding their way to a church in the next few days to voluntarily thank Him that they are still alive on the planet.



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