Friday, June 9, 2017

The Kenyan Prayer Train.

Kikuyu to Nairobi is about an hour's drive on the morning commute.
The train is packed with rich and poor every day on their way to work.
But this is a ride with a difference; a big difference.
The lead coach on this commute is called the "prayer and praise coach."
For the whole hour's trip there is daily worship and praise being conducted by business man Joseph Tiphy Gachui and his wife, Helen Wangui Tiphy.
The passengers don't mind been preached to or prayed for. In fact, they expect it and many are the wonderful testimonies of touched hearts and transformed lives that have resulted from the praise coach.
You may wonder how permission was ever given to hold mobile church on the Kenyan railways . The answer is very simple. It was asked for by christians who wanted to make a difference in their ethnically divided and violent land and it was granted by the government who recognized that Christ was the answer.
Now wouldn't it be wonderful if that could happen on your local "Go-Train". I would gladly park my car for a daily trip to Toronto if there was a Praise and Prayer Coach attached.



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