Thursday, August 31, 2017


BWI restaurant is open again after Summer Break. 
Sometime in August my brother in law from England, always interested in life "Across the Pond", asked me what my chief concern was with the new Trump administration.
I immediately answered "North Korea"
Even today President Trump tweeted that the time for talking is over. This was in reaction to the latest missiles that were fired over the North Island of Japan.
The next ones, we are told, will be headed for the island of Guam where there is a large American military base.
Count on it, with a President in the White House that is ready to take on all-comers and Chubs, the trigger-happy boy-tyrant in North Korea firing off missiles every couple of weeks the scene is set for a show down.
It WILL COME, sooner than later I believe
Whether this will be a nuclear encounter remains to be seen but after twenty five years of failed talks the fire works are about to be lit.
The Bible, as always, forth tells events that signal the end of the present age in which we live. I encourage you to read the middle chapters of the Book of Revelation for more detailed account.
Rest assured if it be not through a nuclear conflagration the end will come in dramatic fashion.
Be ready, and the only way to do that is not by building a bomb shelter but by placing your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who has guaranteed our safe passage to a better world than this one.


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