Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Bye Bye UNESCO and Good Riddance.

UNESCO is paying for its biased treatment of Israel in more ways than one.
Today, the United States, announced that it would no longer be a part of an "Educational Body" that has persistently harassed the nation of Israel and allowed its bigotry to be show-cased at the United Nation Assembly.
For this thinly disguised hatred of God's Chosen People they will now lose about 30% of their funding, which is the portion given by America each year. They will have to look else where for their money or severely scale back on their staff.
We welcome this news and also the announcement from Tel Aviv this morning that they have also given UNESCO the boot.
Why, Israel asks, would they donate money to an organization that has consistently voted against them in the world council and done what it could to inflame their quarrel with the  Palestinians.
What is true for UNESCO can also be said of the United Nations itself. It is a bloated, bigoted body filled with haters of Christian values, shot through with croneyism and mired in unpaid dues owed to the United States.
Founded to bring peace to the earth I cannot recall that it has stopped ONE war since its inception, but it has managed to siphon untold billions of dollars into the pockets of the people with fancy suits and name tags by the Hudson River.
What did Cromwell say to the useless parliament of his day?
"You have sat too long for any good that you have been doing lately. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God GO!"
Please say it again Oliver.


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