Saturday, December 2, 2017


Just who is the VERY reverend Kelvin Holdsworth? Nobody that you or I would know about until he hit the headlines last week.
Was he jailed for preaching the Gospel or fed to the lions for refusing to recant his faith in Christ? Absolutely not. This wretched apostate, who hides in the upper echelons of the Scottish Episcopalian church, has urged his flock to pray that Prince George become a homosexual when he grows up.
Thus, his twisted and perverse reasoning goes, Prince George will become Head of the Church of England when he is king and LGBT inclusiveness will be complete.
The cowardly response of The VERY HIGH bishop Gregor (Kelvin Holdsworth's boss) is almost as nauseating as Holdsworth's comments.
He is quoted as saying:
"The reverend Holdworth's comments were made on his own blog and do not reflect the official position of the church. I will be discussing the matter with him in private."
My view (and I am sure that of millions of others who began their spiritual journey in the Anglican church) is that both should be fired  and sent to a re-education camp in the Shetlands.
Any comments are welcome.


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