Saturday, May 6, 2017

The New Norms. Dumbed Down, Dressed Down and Drugged Down.

The latest statistics should come as no surprise to us. Last week the number of fatal car accidents attributed to DRUGGED drivers exceeded those who were under the influence of alcohol. (34% to 32%).
The connection must be clear. Ever since cannabis was legalized in the States two years ago the figures have been on the rise.
My own son-in-law, who is a patrol officer in my city, was telling me that drugged drivers were an increasing danger on the roads. Now the numbers are in to back him up.
Quite a brave new generation this.
Kids who are in the genius category with games and apps can hardly spell their own names in cursive handwriting. Dumbed down in the schools that are supposed to challenge them to highest possible attainment.-
Kids who once were proud to wear their school uniforms dressed down to a motley mixture of ripped jeans, baggy pants and back to front hats all in the name of the latest fashion.
The dressed, dumbed and drugged down generation.
Next to my bed I have a school photo of the CLASS OF 1955.
It's my Grammar School Year from Nelson in Lancashire.
500 kids, girls and boys, all in uniform.
Disciplined and often driven to succeed (sometimes with the cane).
No drugs: they were unheard of. No ripped jeans: they were unheard of. No dummies: they came at a later date with SMART phones.
Quite a world we live in sixty years later.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Miracles Still Happen! All the Time.

Pauline, my lovely wife, had some discouraging news at the beginning of the year. She was diagnosed with  pulmonary hypertension. I had never heard of this before, nor had she.
Simply put, it is a heart and lung condition for which there is no known cure.
Thankfully we are a couple that believe in prayer and are part of a church that looks to God for miracles and divine interventions.
One Sunday morning we anointed Pauline with oil and prayed for a complete healing in Jesus' Name.
She had an appointment with a heart specialist two weeks later and, YES, the consultant pronounced her clear.
Now that is the good news that we like to tell you about in a world where there is an over-supply off gloom.
But wait, there is more. A month ago our good friends from Toronto phoned with news that Linda had the symptoms of cancer in the lung.
Praise God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, because I immediately said: "All is well. You two are going to live to a ripe old age together."
Linda had a CAT scan ten days later and, LO it was clear!
She also had her miracle.
I think you will agree, that in an age of scepticism and general unbelief in the supernatural working of God, we need to hear up-to- date accounts of "Jesus alive and well" on planet Earth.
Even if you don't I am still letting you know how it really is.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Problems at the crematorium

Another sign of the times! Last week fire broke out in the Hillside Chapel Crematorium in Cincinnati. Why should this be a point of interest? Because this is an increasing occurrence in crematoriums both in America and in Europe. 
The problem is with the new super-size bodies that the undertakers are having to deal with these days.
In Austria, a whole crematorium went up in flames because the excess fat and grease from the carcass clogged the vents. In Cincinnati the burning fat from a 500lb body over rode the thermostat on the pyre with the same result.
Think about it. The plague of obesity that has overtaken the Western world affects EVERYBODY.
Larger seats on airlines:higher fares all round.
Joint replacements for overstressed legs and ankles:higher premiums for everybody else.
Larger doors on public buildings: increased taxes on the general public.
Now super-fat corpses setting the crematoriums on fire: extra insurance costs, all passed on to the customer.
The list of the extras is endless.
Next time you are about to eat your sixth do-nut or swig back a jumbo size soda please think about the consequences, not only for your own health but the danger to the rest of us as we say our farewells in the Chapel of Repose!
