Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Characters: Herod

Today, in our list of Christmas characters, we come to King Herod.

Herod was not only a killer but he was  also a consummate politician. To the wise men he gave the syrupy speech: “Say chaps, how great that you are looking for this new born prince. When you find him let me know. I’ll be along to pay him my respects.”

We know that if he had had his way he would have taken Christ right out of Christmas. Herod is long gone but his spirit lives on. Still we have the push from the anti Christian lobby to have a politically correct “Happy Holidays” and remove Christ from Christmas, Christmas from schools, carols from the radio, crèches from public buildings and even turn Christmas trees into holiday trees. Anything to kill the babe in his manger.

Thank God, Herod failed then and his spirit is foiled today. Only this morning I read of “flash mobs”, one 5000 in number, descending on malls to spontaneously sing the Hallelujah chorus and “HE INDEED SHALL REIGN FOR EVER AND EVER”

How about that king Herod!

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