Thursday, January 10, 2013

Five decisions that have helped doom America

The Culprits.

Strangely enough the Fiscal Cliff, so much talked about in recent weeks, began as a Fiscal Slope in December 1913, by legislation called the Federal Reserve Act.

The Federal Reserve had been brought into being by a group of bankers three years previously in a meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, in 1910.

In its simplest form the Federal Reserve could be termed a banking cartel.

Up until 1913 it was a federal law that only CONGRESS had the right to print money, but this massive prerogative was given over to the Federal Reserve by an act of Congress.

From then on the fox was in charge over the chicken house.

In 1939, after the Bretton Woods conference, America abandoned the gold standard and free rein was given to the Federal Reserve to print and loan paper money.The slope had just got steeper.

 Further legislation, in the early 70's,  ushered in the era of deficit budgets which, in forty years, have angled the slope into a Fiscal Cliff of 17 trillion dollars of debt. 

In three weeks time congress will vote for a further 2 trillion dollars of debt which will transform the cliff  into a Fiscal Free Fall.

I have some advice.

Pay off your credit cards.


P.S. The Creature from Jekyll Island recommended as a great read.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Five decisions that have helped doom America.

Madalyn Murray O' Hair.

Last month I referred to this mad woman in relation to the Newtown school shooting.

Her son gave testimony in his biography "Raised Without God," that his mother was a severely deranged human being who subjected her family to years of her blazing anger against all things good and godly.

It was this woman who first charged the Baltimore school, where her son was being taught, with violating his constitutional rights by exposing him to prayer and Bible reading.

She later took her case to the U.S. Supreme Court and in 1973, to the stupefaction of all, Bible reading and prayer in the public schools of America was ruled unconstitutional.

Later Madelyn O Hair went on to found "Atheists of America"

There she absconded with the entire $500,000:00 of the group funds.

Later she herself, with her eldest son and grand child were kidnapped, held for a ransom that no one would pay and were discovered mutilated at a Texas farm ( A crime which inspired the film 'The Texas chainsaw massacre')

 Now here's a question.

"Who would ban the reading of the Bible and the utterance of prayers by children in school, other than the devil himself ?"

Let me know if you can identify another culprit.



Monday, January 7, 2013

Five decisions that have helped doom America.

The facts of this case have been discussed more than any other single verdict in US. history.

In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Jane Roe (Norma McCorvey) and overturned all state laws prohibiting a woman's right to choose an abortion.

Since then approximately 3000 abortions a day have been performed in America. If you do the math that's about 50 million babies who have had their lives extinguished in their mother's womb.

This mass extinction of human beings stemmed from the wisdom of nine other human beings who sanctioned the process to begin.

And what of Mrs McCorvey?  Having lived as a lesbian for twenty years after her court victory she was suddenly converted to Christianity and baptized. She later wrote a book ( now living as a single woman)

                      "WON BY LOVE"

Listen to what she had to say when she faced the awful truth of where she had been led.

"I felt crushed by the awful realization of abortion. It was not about the "product" of conception. It was about babies being killed in their mother's wombs. All these years I was wrong. No more of this first, second and third trimester stuff. Abortion at any point is wrong."

Until her death two years ago she was an ardent member of 'Operation Rescue.'

Thus you have the rest of the story.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Five decisions that have doomed America.

Here we have a mini-series that looks at five court or government legislations that have put America on the path to perdition.

The Scopes Monkey trial  of 1925, held in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, opened the door to the teaching of scientific evolution over Biblical Creationism in the schools of America.

Although Thomas Scopes, a public school teacher, lost his case and was fined for teaching evolution in a state funded school, the adverse media blitz that followed, ridiculed the Bible-based education system of Tennessee.

Within three decades evolution was being taught ALONGSIDE the Genesis account of creation and, shortly thereafter, it became ILLEGAL to teach creationism in the public schools of America. 

Thus, within fifty years of LOSING the case, scientific evolution replaced biblical creation in the text books of American public schools.

It should of course be noted that back in 1925 there had never been a school shooting, drugs were not a problem, armed guards were posted at prisons and not at school gates and America led the world in its classroom stats.

A coincidence? You decide.

