Thursday, January 20, 2011

Taking the first step

This is my last post on taking the first step.

This morning a story about a very, very small step.

 When my children were in their first years I read bible stories from the Arch book series.

One particular night I was reading the parable of the rich man and Lazarus the beggar to my son Mark. He was six years old. At the end of the story Lazarus is in heaven and the rich man in hell.

I noticed that Mark was sobbing. Had I dramatized too much? I asked him was he crying because of poor Lazarus the beggar. "No Daddy". Well was he crying because the rich man was going to hell? "No Daddy". Well what's the problem? "I'm crying for me Daddy I don't want to go to hell!"

Well that's smart thinking for a six year old!

I saw a God given moment and immediately prayed that Mark might receive Jesus into his heart. Right there on my knee my son, at six years old, made a very small childlike step of faith.

This year he turned forty. He is a captain in industry, runs his own company, but is still taking steps of faith every day.

Have you made your first one yet?

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