Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Egypt - a new perspective

My friend, Doug Ferris, taught at a Western school in Cairo for two years. This week he will be passing on some thoughts on Egypt. I know you will enjoy his perspectives and unique style of writing.

" I hated Avatar! It wasn't the script, it was those glasses. I felt like Roy Orbison, a blind man staring at a distorted world blinking red and blue. So I poked out the lenses and wore the frames. The movie was fuzzy and I looked liked Buddy Holly, so that was O.K.

We all see the world through fuzzy mental lenses called 'point of view'. Like the chaos in Egypt. Westerners see Egypt through the literary lens of the Bible. Trouble is, modern Egypt is not the world of Moses and this week's events are not some new Biblical plague.

Something different has happened. We need new lenses if we are to have a clear perspective as to the cause and possible consequences of these unfolding events.

For the next three days I'll attempt to provide some new focus that living in Cairo helped me to obtain."

Doug Ferris

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