Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Islam: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

To say that Islam is a religion given to peace is not only a misinformed statement but it also belies a complete ignorance of its centuries old history upon earth. It also airbrushes from the pages of the Koran the passages that urge violence against the non-believers.

 With the re-awakening of militant Islam in the last thirty years we should all come to some understanding of its core teachings.

Disparate and contradictory passages exist within the Koran.

In the Sura it states "Kill unbelievers wherever you find them".
(Sura 2:19)
But elsewhere it speaks of "Allah, the all merciful and compassionate One".

If you have problems reconciling the two, you are not alone. So do the rest of us. Regardless, it is the texts of the Sura that the Muslim extremists use to fuel the fires of their mad war of Jihad.

And moderate Muslims cannot have it both ways. On the one hand declare themselves to be emmisaries of a loving compassionate God while on the other give vocal or silent support to their blood crazed brothers.

Will the real God please stand up and make Himself and His will known?

We believe He already has, in the Person of Jesus Christ.

Read all about Him in the Bible.


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