Thursday, February 3, 2011

Seeing the obvious

My final thought on seeing the obvious comes from my school days, both as a pupil and as a teacher.

During my days behind a desk, instead of infront of one as a teacher, we had the traditional board. It was black and the teacher scribbled away with white chalk; lessons we used to call
'Chalk and Talk'.

In later years when I was teaching, the color of boards was turning to green. It was not a change to fit into the decor. My brother-in-law, also a teacher, told me that scientists had found that green was a more restful color to the eyes than black.

Imagine that! Green, a more restful color than black.

 At that time I was living in Lancashire, a county of lush meadows and hills. We were surrounded by green.

Lo, after centuries of  black boards, we eventually changed to green boards because the color is gentle to the eyes.

Makes you think doesn't it.

God thought of Green Peace before the Greenie Movement ever did

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