Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sayings that helped change my life

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all thy ways and He shall direct they paths."

Back in 1962 in my college days in England I was challenged by these verses from Proverbs ( 3:5-6).

They offered a simple choice to either trust God or to trust my own brains.

There was no third option.

I pondered the point, for I was at a fork in life's highway.

Should I follow the route of intellectual pursuit or take the road less travelled and believe that Someone else would direct my paths?

I couldn't sit in the parking lot of indecision for long, so I revved up and chose the ramp marked "Proverbs 3:5-6".

49 years later I'm still en-route and its been a great adventure.

Honk your horn if you are on the same journey.


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