Monday, March 7, 2011

Sex. To have or not to have, that is the question.

Brandon Davies has been suspended from the basketball team at Brigham Young University, and the sports world is in an uproar about it.

Did this gifted young athlete sign an illegal contract with the Utah Jazz? Did he rifle through the pockets of his team mates in the locker room?

No. Brandon Davies had premarital sex with his girl friend.

The libertine press is outraged. "How dare Brigham Young intrude into this young man's personal affairs and bring upon him such humiliation?"

Not so fast. Brandon Davies, like the rest of the basketball team, signed an honor code that included a vow to live a chaste, pure life and to abstain from all substance abuse.

Brandon violated the code.

Thus speaks his coach: "In such matters, maintaining the honor code is more important to us than winning the championship."

Perhaps more clubs, professional and non-professional, could embrace such a worthy standard.


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