Thursday, March 10, 2011

There are some things that money can't buy

Here's a factoid from 'U.S.A. Today' titled "If I were a rich man."

In a poll of multi-millionaires the question was asked: "What would you give up half your fortune to possess?"

The answers were revealing.

9% wished they could be married to childhood sweet-heart or a lost love.
23% wished they could be president of the United States.
10% wished for the recovery of lost health.
4% wished to travel to a far off planet.
19% wished for abiding peace of mind and happiness.
30% wished for an assured place in Heaven.
The rest wished for miscellaneous dreams to come true.

To the 30% who opted for a place in Heaven, I would say,
"Save your millions. Your berth has already been booked courtesy of Jesus Christ. Pick up your ticket ASAP.

To the other 70% with Heaven not even on their radar, I would say, "Wake up, smell the coffee and then drink it with your Bible open to Mark 8:36-37.

"What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"

You're right. There are some things that money just can't buy!


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