Monday, April 18, 2011

Rising from the dead. Think about it.

Well, Easter is the time for us to give the matter of our own resurrection some thought.

How will we know Christ's voice, which He says will be our "Wake up Call" when we are in the grave?

Think of it this way. If you were to go into a field and scatter various pieces a scrap metal over its surface and leave it there.

After a few years they would be buried in the dust and soil.
Imagine going over that field with a powerful electro-magnet.

It would not be the zinc, the copper, the bronze or even the silver that would burst through the surface soil.

You are right! It would be the iron that would appear. Why? Because it is of the same nature as the Magnet.

Therefore, when we belong to Christ we receive His very own nature, and "BINGO" when the moment comes we hear his voice and rise from the grave to join Him and the rest of the family in the Grand Re-union.

Happy Easter.


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