Sunday, April 3, 2011

This week.The cast of the crucifixion

Well, we are now in the final days before Easter. This week we will look at what I call the "Cast of the Crucifixion Drama". We will find that they are a varied but representive cross section of modern society.

Pontius Pilate, the roman prefect of Jerusalem, faced with the warnings of his wife, the voice of his conscience and a crowd howling "Crucify" chose the middle road of expediency and called for a bowl of water and washed his hands. It was an astute move, to dodge the decision but history has judged him to be a coward.

Here's a song I heard many years ago in England.

 "I did not make the spear wound, I did not set the nail,
   I did not spit upon Him nor lift my voice and rail.
   I did not plant the crown of thorns nor blaspheme God's
   dear Son
   But every time I sin on earth, I know that I'm the one.

 I'm the one who shouted "Crucify", I'm the one who raised Him up on high, I'm the one who stood and watched Him die, but every time I sin on earth I know that I'm the One."

 Pilate and indeed all of us, are involved in the crime of the cross and it takes more than a bowl of water to forgive our guilt.

But forgivesness is what Easter is all about. Hallelujah!


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