Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apocalypse Now. (part 2)

Yesterday's post created a great amount of interest, and also some questions and conjecture.

The point I want to make today is that financial debt is a form of bleeding.

Without letting my imagination run amok, I see in the Century 21 western world  a fulfillment of the apocalypse where "blood is up to the horses bridles".

Nations like Greece, Portugal and Ireland have already gone bankrupt, their people drowned in a sea of red ink. Others are set to follow.

As I said yesterday, America's national debt is unsustainable. The nation is up to its bridles in "Blood".

What is the answer? Nobody knows.

But the more immediate solution for myself and my friends is to ride our horses to where the Lord is our rancher.

Once you are in His green pastures of financial peace, stay there and stay out of debt.


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