Tuesday, May 31, 2011

O the joy of human fellowship in the work place.

O the joy of human companionship, more especially as we co-operate together as a team.

But, observe from the photo; nobody is talking to each other.
Everybody in on auto-pilot.

A modern example of the de-humanising effect of the digital age.

I bet nobody has a name either. This group will classified into work-units with S.I.N. numbers.

Arn't you glad that God knows your name and calls you by it?
And, yes, he knows your number. Jesus said "Even the hairs of your head are numbered."

Dwell on that thought today. It will be a great comfort to you.

"You there # 23, second row, third from the end. Your wife has called. Pick up some burgers on the way home. It's BBQ tonight!"

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