Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gunpowder plot.

The final day in our calendar series is "Guy Fawkes Day". It is memorialised in the English year on November 5th.

On that date in 1605 Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators tried to blow up the houses of parliament.

Guy Fawkes was the original religious terrorist. He should have been named 'Guy BIN Fawkes'.

He was caught as he was about to light the fuse to vaults packed with barrels of gunpowder.

Tried and found guilty he was hanged and, consistent with the justice of his day, drawn and quartered.

Why would Guy and his men try to blow up parliament? 
Because they were enraged Roman Catholics conspiring to smash protestant rule in England and bring back her erring sheep to the papal fold.

Ever since that time on November 5th, bonfires blaze on English streets and firworks light up the night sky.

The bishop of Westminster in April told William and Kate to "go forth and set the world on fire" not "go forth and blow it up!"

To know Christ is to know the difference between the two.


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