Friday, October 21, 2011

This week: different posts from different people.

Today's contribution is from my old friend David Barker. David originates from Liverpool and in England we  worked extensively together in team evangelism. He and his wife Irene live in the Vancouver area.

Having heard about the 99% of the "Take over Wall Sreet" protestors, he asks the question "Where is the one percent?" and supplies the answer. Read the above.

After his dramatic conversion to Christianity, Malcolm Muggeridge became dean of the university of Edinburgh. After two years he resigned with these pungent words.

"Dean indeed. I came here to further the spiritual and educational life of the university but during my tenure have done nothing but listen to the complaints of students with over-sized libidios whining for drugs and grovelling for sex."

 Straight words, Malcolm for which, in our brave New World, (like Socrates of old) you would be forced to drink hemlock!

David and Ian

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