Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tattoos: easier to get on than get off.

Tattooing: derived from the sound of hollow, sharpened bamboo used by the Polynesians when pricking tribal marking on their skin centuries ago.

This week I decided to have my own tattoo removed, received 55 years ago when I was in the port of Montreal as a merchant marine.

I was a seventeen year old who sported his bluebird on his bicep until his early twenties.

About that time I decided I needed neither tattoos, ear-rings nor male jewellery of any sort to project my image. It must stand on its own for better or for worse.

Since then I have waited fifty years to get the bluebird off, and what originally cost $3:00  will cost around $250:00 to remove with a laser gun.

Well it all goes to show that there are things in life that are easier to get into than get out of.

Matt from "Wild Ink", who looks like a Polynesian chief himself, was interested to know that I am also in the business of tattooing. ( I preach across the street from his little bat cave)

When I told him that I tattoo people's hearts he asked me if I was a heart surgeon.

 "Sort of" I replied. "I'm a preacher and I tattoo the Word of God into people's lives"

His response.
"Rock on, man. We're in the same trade"



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