Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Higgs has been found at last. So what!

Control room at Cern

O.K lets attempt to give a summary.

The scientists believe they may have have found "Higgs-boson", sometimes referred to as the "God particle."

After smashing trillions of atoms at the CERN accelerator, and then demolishing their nuclei and, after that, pulverising the resultant pieces, they may have isolated an infinitesimal fragment called "Higgs-boson".

This staggering news broke forth from the 10 billion dollar facility in Switzerland yesterday. It has been hailed as a mighty discovery since they have been searching for Higgs for years.

This puts me in mind of a poem I read by Jonathan Swift:

"Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em
And little fleas have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum."

Well it all depends who you are looking for. Higgs-Boson, the God particle from the cyclotron in Switzerland or Jesus Christ the Son of God in the manger at Bethlehem?

I don't know about Higgs but Hallelujah for Jesus and Hallelujah for Christmas.


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