Monday, January 23, 2012

Brent Tremblay: An athlete for Christ.

Brent Tremblay lives up in North Bay which, 120 miles from  my city of Barrie, is just around the corner.

I met Brent not long his career change from professional hockey to minister at large for Christ. We have preached together on many occasions since.

Ice hockey is not a sport for the faint of heart.

The bumper sticker says it well:

"Be kind to animals: hug a hockey player."

Brent carries the scars of his artistry, having accumulated 250 stitches in his face, yet this bruiser from North Bay met Christ in a dramatic fashion.

While laid in bed in a Washington Hospital recovering from a back surgery his nurse led him to a personal faith in Christ.

Never one to do things in half measure Brent, shortly thereafter, exchanged his "Capitals" jersey for a Bible and in a few short years circled the globe preaching the Word.

 He is still busy as a representative for 'Hockey Ministries International' , an assistant pastor in his church, and in our cold country, one of God's colourful Northern Lights.

All because a young nurse took time to tell him her story.

Don't be afraid to tell yours.


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