Sunday, February 26, 2012

God in cartoons

I have no problem with The Lord creating all His creatures from the clay of the ground, and enjoying Himself doing it.

The old hymn describes it well.

"All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all".

Snakes are part of the general variety of nature and wonderful they are in their own way.

What causes me to truly ponder is why God created the Serpent that tempted Eve, and why He would allow Lucifer into the Garden of Eden in the first place.

That original temptation and the mess that followed, the Bible calls
"The mystery of iniquity".

I see the results of it on every hand but it is a mystery, that for me, remains unsolved.

If there any snake experts out there with answer please let us know, we are waiting to hear from you.



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