Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ian Paisley.From firebrand to Lord Bannside

Word this week that Ian Paisley has been taken to hospital and is not expected to recover from heart failure.

If this be so we have seen the termination of a remarkable life.

During the 1960's and the subsequent troubles in Northern Ireland, Paisley was a constant voice against dealing with the I.R.A. and the re-unification of Ireland.

Frequent threats were made upon his life, and in a culture of violence where assasinations were a daily affair, he never employed a body guard believing that angels could do the job far better.

He was a great preacher and in 1970 founded the Free Presbyterian Church.

Stories abound about this colourful character.

 One that comes to mind was an incident that occurred on Paisley's weekly air trip home from London to Belfast. Mid way across the Irish Sea there was a problem with the engines of the aircraft. Both cut out and at that point Paisley stood to his feet and in his booming voice prayed that the Lord would keep safe every soul on board and preserve his servant to continue his work on earth. Instantly the engines coughed back to life and the plane landed safely in Belfast.
Jerry Fitt, the catholic member of parliament, was on board the flight. In an interview with the press after this close call he said:

"I hate everything that Ian Paisley stands for, but today I stand witness that God answers his prayers."

The best is yet to be Lord Bannside.

Jubilate .

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