Monday, March 5, 2012

The death of a saint.

One of the most comforting verses that I can share with you is from Psalm  116:15 

"The death of God's saints is precious in His sight"

Last week one of our dear friends in Australia passed away.

Her name was Sharon Mastin and she came fom Perth. Her husband, Mike, founded and pastored a large church in Beechboro and Sharon labored unceasingly for many years alongside him.

I had the pleasure of preaching many times to their congregation where I came to know and deeply appreciate the Mastins.

Three years ago Sharon was diagnosed with cancer. Since then it has been a long and valiant struggle which culminated in her home-call last week.

I say 'home-call' because Sharon has gone to a place prepared for her in Heaven, the final abode of all God's saints.

To be a saint, you don't have to be embalmed, enshrouded or engraved on a stain-glass window. None of those things happened to Sharon. But she did love the Lord Jesus with all of her heart and served His people to her last breath. Nobody can do more than that.

Well done, Sharon. We'll see you in the morning!


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