Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Stations of the Cross. Station three: Gabbatha

Here is the famous painting named "Ecce Homo" ( Behold the man)
by Antonio Ciseri.

Jesus is before Pilate for his second trial which was another travesty of Justice.

Pontius Pilate as procurator of Palestine was expected to be an instrument of Roman jurisprudence. Instead he capitulated under pressure from the Pharisees.

In his first examination of Christ,  Pilate the judge, said:

 "I find no fault in Him."

Later, Pilate the politician handed the verdict to the crowd who demanded a crucifixion.

So the man who found no fault in Christ signed off on His death sentence.

Here's a point of meditation:

Christ demands a verdict, He is either the Son of God or He is an impostor. This morning be courageous enough to give a  "Yes" or a "No". God does not deal in "Maybe's"



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