Monday, March 26, 2012

The Stations of the Cross.The women of Jerusalem

The Via Dolorosa was packed with pilgrims in Jerusalem for the Passover. It was just as crowded two thousand years later when Pauline and I pushed our way through one Good Friday.

One of the carvings in the wall showed us Jesus being tearfully followed by the Matrons of Jerusalem.

They were overcome with grief at the seeming disaster unfolding before their eyes.

Never once moved from His marvellous composure Christ tells them to save their tears for their own sons.

 "There are times coming when calamity will befall all of the Jewish people because of what is happening today."

And, of course, within thirty years Christ's words were borne out with the sack of the city by the Romans and the dispersal of the whole Jewish race across the earth.

At this seventh station ponder this thought. With marvellous precision Christ prophesied the imminent fall of Jerusalem (even in direst pain). He also foretold with similar clarity His return in glory to this earth: a word that is just as shortly to be fulfilled.

Don't you think it might be wise thing to make immediate preparation for that event?



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