Monday, April 30, 2012

Sexless in Sweden

If you were left stupefied by the last post on Sweden going cashless, consider this.
The core mission of Sweden's National Curriculum for Pre-Schools is to "break down existing gender roles"

There will be a drive to "imprint" children from their early years with  a "New gender awareness"

No longer will pronouns like "Him" and "Her" be used. Instead the preferred word " friends " will be encouraged.

Fairy stories such as "Cinderella" and "Snowhite " are banned since they only cement existing stereotypes and, as you can see from the latest toy firm ads, "Gender-blender" toys are the in thing.

That's not all. This business of calling children by male and female names should be scrapped. Let the girls be called "Jack" and the boys become "Jills" in this brave-new-socially-engineered world.

Over a thousand years ago the mighty Vikings with names like Thor, Hal, Hans and Guthrum set forth from Sweden's shores to discover new lands.
How does that stack up against these present day warriors going forth pushing their prams to conquer the last frontiers?

Stay tuned. It won't be long before all this transvestite rubbish will be appearing in our own school curriculums and Cinderella will be at the ball wearing clogs.


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