Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This week in the news.

Hosni Mubarak has gone (or he will be when they pull the life-support). Who then will take his place?

I had an illuminating talk with my friend Doug Ferris this week. He is an expert on Egypt having worked there and has a keen sense of what is going on.

A year ago Doug said: " Don't get too excited about democracy in Egypt. The army will only let things go so far before they play their hand.They are the ones who will manage the stage, write the script, make the rules and define the Presidency; Muslim Brotherhood or no Muslim Brotherhood."

Doug you were right.

What I would now ask is why the House of Islam cannot take care of itself?
Throughout the Middle East, Syria,Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Libya there is riot, revolution and bloodshed.
The House of Islam at war with itself in seeming fulfilment of the Bible prophecy that :
"Ishmael shall be a wild man. His hand shall be against everyman and everyman's hand against himself."
If that is a predetermined outcome, would it not make sense to leave these folks alone to sort it out for themselves, while we take care of the problems nearer home?

Over to you Doug.


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