Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Medalists

Often in Hebrews 11  we read the recurring phrase "By faith".
Later in the chapter the writer speaks of those who by faith "Quenched the fire and stopped the mouths of lions"

Daniel was such a man.

In the Babylon Olympiad of 550 BC when Greek competitors were striving for a crown of olive leaves, Daniel was in a different arena.
He was standing before merciless heathen kings giving crystal clear interpretations of their dreams and daring to worship God in front of a malicious,vengeful pack of sycophant courtiers and magicians. 

When they thought that they had finally vanquished him by having him cast into the lions den, Daniel didn't turn a hair.

After spending a restful night, Daniel assured an anxious King Darius that all was well and that the angels had given him safe-keeping.

His accusers were then promptly marched down into the lair to take his place!

Daniel must surely get the gold medal for unmatched trust in the living God.

Maybe you are in a lion's den today. Take heart, we serve a God who can put them to sleep.


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