Saturday, October 6, 2012

Memoirs of a trip to Quebec

We're back from Quebec and we have brought home a few memories.

Our first stop was in Ottawa where we visited our National Art Centre.
This is a magnificent building adjacent to Parliament Hill. It houses some of the great art treasures of the land and also some of the most egregious fakes and frauds.

Here is a painting by Lawren Harris of the 'Group of Seven' that captures something of the beauty and barrenness of the Canadian North.

Another painting called "Paranoia" cost more of our hard-earned tax dollars to purchase but raised my blood pressure to the point where I needed a cup of tea in the cafeteria to calm down.

I have a personal theory: that a Nation's Art reflects a nation's state before the Lord.

This being the case we have sure drifted a long way since the immortal work of the Old Masters and the halycon days of the "Group of Seven"

Jubilate anyway.



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