Friday, October 12, 2012

The Terror of the Taliban

The whole world this weekend waits with bated breath.

Will Malala Yousafzai, the teenager gunned down by the Taliban, awake from her coma?

This eloquent, jaunty, bright-eyed fourteen year old was courageous enough to challenge the cavemen of North Pakistan about her right as a female to receive an education.

She boldly declared, as a spokesman for all her repressed gender, that girls should have equal rights for an education both at high school and university. Furthermore that professional careers should be open to all, regardless of religion, gender or social status.

This was too much for these fanatical followers of Mahomet.

An assassin was dispatched to deal with the child heretic.

This is the result.

Be profoundly thankful if you live in the Christian West and include this little warrior for liberty and justice in your prayers.


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