Friday, November 9, 2012


Tuesday, November 6th. A day that shall be remembered with relief.
At 8:30 AM my daughter,Sarah, was driving North on the Trans Canada highway.

Suddenly a piece of metal was thrown into the air by a truck in front. In a split second it hit the hood of her car gouging  two large dents and then flew over the roof to land who-knows-where.

Sarah didn't have time to duck. It was over in a flash. But isn't that true of most accidents?

Meantime, in Vancouver same time, same morning, my son Mark was being driven to a meeting. The driver cut across a stream of oncoming traffic only to see a cyclist appear in front of her. She slammed on the brakes. Mark said a fast moving vehicle stopped a hair's breadth away from his passenger door. It too was over in less than a second.

Pauline later remarked that she could have lost two of her kids on the same day!

Let's give thanks for angels on assignment!

Jubilate indeed.

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