Monday, November 12, 2012

Where was the general's chaplain?

King David had Nathan as his chaplain, King Saul had Samuel. Oliver Cromwell had the godly Richard Baxter to speak sober words to him.
King Philip of Macedon hired a Nubian slave to remind him daily that he was "but a man".

But where was the the chaplain of General Petraeus when the 'cutsie' Paula Broadwell arrived in his camp?

This woman, had he known it, was more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden.

She had never written a book before, yet she got into the general's tent with tight fitting pants and revealing blouses ostensibly to record the great man's success in Afghanistan.

But where was the general's chaplain?

In a situation fraught with danger, temptation and beguilment the chaplain, the general's spiritual armor bearer, failed to deliver warning and admonishment before it was too late.

When David crept into King Saul's camp and stole his spear and water pot while Saul slept, David shouted that Abner, his body guard, should die.

Maybe General's chaplain should hand in his badge and join his boss on civvy street. At the very least he ought to be disciplined for dereliction of duty.



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