Thursday, December 13, 2012

Maybe none of us will see Christmas 2012!

Nestled at the foot of the Southern Pyrenees lies the French village of Bugarach; pop 170.
For the past two weeks New Agers from around the globe have been converging on Bugarach, for it is here (and only here) that survival can be assured when Armageddon  arrives on December 21st.

Why is this date scheduled for doomsday?

Because it is the day when the Mayan Calendar, begun 5,125years ago, runs out.

On December 21st the 13th cycle of the Calendar ends and the calamity occurs. What will that be? According to cosmic experts it could be a sun-storm, a planetary collision or a complete reversal of the poles due to inter-galactic alignment. What ever the scenario it will be BIG.

The very thought of the final moment is big enough to have believers at Bugarach paying $2,000:00 a night for a bed at the Bugar hotel, $500:00 for a camping spot, $30:00 for a bottle of water, and $100:00 for a glass of vintage survival wine.

Bugar stones are being sold by enterprising villages for $2:00 a gram.

Before you head off for France I would suggest that you check with Santa's Express Service. He has worldwide deliveries planned for December 24th, three days after the end of all things.
Maybe he and Mrs Clause know something that the Mayans didn't?



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