Monday, December 10, 2012

The Grinch that stole Christmas

Let's be clear, there are all sorts of people who would like to see an end to the Christian feast of Christmas. Dr Seuss simply called  them "The Grinches"

Back a few years ago in my city an edict went out from the school board that no creches, Christmas trees or carols would be allowed in our public schools. It was all done under the guise of 'fairness to others'.

At that time I was involved in some radio broadcasting and other media things and I put the call out over the air-waves for anyone wishing to take on the Grinch to assemble at the school board H.Q.

On the appointed night over 600 hundred people turned up, along with T.V. cameras and reporters.

O what a difference numbers make! How quickly the self righteous posturing of the Senior policy makers crumbled in the face of a host of irate tax payers who demanded Christmas be given back to their children.

Suddenly we heard phrases like: "It's all been a misunderstanding."   " It was never our intention.."   "This has grown out of all proportion"  and so on.

By the following Monday Jesus was back in his creche, the lights were restored to the Christmas tree, carols were being sung. Peace on earth, goodwill to all men mysteriously spread through our schools.

That was ONE Grinch taken care of. There are plenty left, and for those someone else will need to take on the little monsters. I'll be meeting round the Christmas Tree with my grandchildren.



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